Today I did a 4 mile run. I haven't done one n forever! I had to push myself and at one point I thought I might puke, but I didn't. I ran 3.4 miles non-stop, then walked for .10 of a mile, then ran the last .50 miles. If I hadn't walked that little bit I'd have a pace under 13 minutes! WoW! I'm bringing the pace down and I love it.
I have to admit the treadmill is helping with that. I can't do more than a mile at a time on the TM. It's just such a beat down! However, the last few weeks I've been running 1 mile(at just over a 12 min mile pace!) then doing intervals the last 2 miles. Normally I run 6.0 or a 10 min mile for .15 of a mile then do a 4.0 or 15 min mile walk for .10. That gives me a 12:30 average pace. Not too shabby. Sometimes at the end when I really want to push myself I'll bump it up to 6.5 or 9:13 min mile for .05, it's not far, but it's a strong "fast" run for me!!
My trainer "retired", she actually went to her real job full time and stopped training. She put together a couple of workouts for me that I've been alternating and doing on non run days. I know alot know more about weights and the machines now, but I still feel better knowing it's a trainer certified workout. Next week is my Frosty 5k and my goal is to run it in less than 40 minutes. I'd like to do in in around 37:30, but I have to compensate for the cold. I have no idea what the weather will be like next Saturday.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
2011 Running Goals
I've had 2 of my 3 running goals for awhile now, I like odd numbers so I've been trying to decide on a 3rd one and I think I may have finally figured it out!
1. Run 12 races in 2011. I would like for this to mean one race per month, however due to my schedule and race schedules, this my not be entirely possible. So I'll settle for a total of 12 in case unforeseen circumstances arrive. I've already signed up for the Frosty 5k in Jan. My goal is to finish in under 40 minutes, which would be a new PR!!
2. I want to run every kind of race the Wichita area provides. Up to now I've only done 5k's and the 1/2 marathon. I want to do them all! 1 mile, 2 miles, 5k, 10k, 15k, 10 miles and yup, another 1/2 marathon! I went back thru last years race calender and got a pretty good grasp of what's out there and I'm taking to tackle them all!
3. By the end of 2011(but before is good too!) I want to be able to consistently run 6 miles in 1 hour. I want that to be my twice a week short run with a long run thrown in there too!
1. Run 12 races in 2011. I would like for this to mean one race per month, however due to my schedule and race schedules, this my not be entirely possible. So I'll settle for a total of 12 in case unforeseen circumstances arrive. I've already signed up for the Frosty 5k in Jan. My goal is to finish in under 40 minutes, which would be a new PR!!
2. I want to run every kind of race the Wichita area provides. Up to now I've only done 5k's and the 1/2 marathon. I want to do them all! 1 mile, 2 miles, 5k, 10k, 15k, 10 miles and yup, another 1/2 marathon! I went back thru last years race calender and got a pretty good grasp of what's out there and I'm taking to tackle them all!
3. By the end of 2011(but before is good too!) I want to be able to consistently run 6 miles in 1 hour. I want that to be my twice a week short run with a long run thrown in there too!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I've decided to do a little re-training. Due to the 6 weeks I took off from running and the freezing air outside, my running endurance has been cut down. Such is life, however now it's time to get it back! I'm going to spend the month of December re-doing the last few weeks of the Couch to 5k program, on the treadmill. This will do a a few things for me. 1. Allow me to control my speed, which means I can set the treadmill to a faster pace and decrease my average mile time. 2. Re-build my endurance. That's where I started and it worked once, I'm sure it will work again. 3. Make me overcome my hate for the TM. I enjoy running outside so much more, however in the winter, you gotta do, what you gotta do!!
I have 2 goals already set for 2011, and I'm trying to find/decide on another. We'll see how that goes~
I have 2 goals already set for 2011, and I'm trying to find/decide on another. We'll see how that goes~
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Almost time to start running again!
I'v been taking some time off, but it's about time to get back into the game. I've got some big goals for 2011!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I'm taking a running break. Nothing major. I'm going to do some walking and some small runs. Nothing long or intense though. I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about increasing my speed. I learned from the half that I have bad posture(remember the back crackin' at mile 5?) I've heard there is a book called Chi Running that helps with posture and speed, so I'm going to look into that. So, no worries runners, I'm just taken a break. I'll be back :O)
Monday, October 11, 2010
So, I bet you wanna know how it went...
Overall, it was amazing! I will definitely do another one, and I still have my site set on a Marathon in 2012! Jason ran with me and that made it that much more awesome. To complete an athletic event with anyone makes you feel closer to that person, but to complete it with your spouse. It's like you've conquered the world! The first 7-8 miles went along quite smooth. During mile 5 my back started hurting pretty bad so we stopped in someones driveway so Jason could pop my back. The TNT girls right behind us were kind enough to stop and make sure I was alright, then chuckled when we told them what was going on. At 5 ish is also where I took my power gel and a cup of powerade and was pretty sure I was gonna spew all over those expensive College Hill houses. I told myself I was going to continue to run unless I actually started actively vomiting. I never did. After that, we rolled onwards for another 2 ish miles.
Then we hit 9 miles. Or as Jason and I like to call it, the mile of death! The mile was completely and totally walked! Let's be honest, it my even have been hobbled! AFTER the fact we had many runners tell us that mile 9 is your "break down" mile. The mile where you want to quit, and where your pain is the worst. I pretty much agree. It was sheer will getting through the 9th mile! Once I saw the 10 on the road though it all changed. Mentally, I kept telling myself, "All you have left is a 5k!" That made miles 10 and 11 a little easier. Mile 12 was almost like mile 9. You're so close to finish, yet it's SO far away! We could see the hotel that the finish line was in front of and it seemed a million miles away! Not to mention we had a slight(and I do mean slight) incline that may as well have been a mountain! My already screaming calves were completely protesting and quivering. You know the movie Aliens, where the alien pops out of the man's belly and dances on the diner counter? I was pretty sure my calf muscles were going to tear of my flesh like that. I could seriously envision them flopping on the side of the road. They hurt so bad!
Ok, so we get up the mountain, I mean mole hill, and we start running again. The bridge is in veiw! People are lined on the roads, we are near the end!! Time to step it up. The last 10th of a mile was the best! That's where all the spectators are. They are cheering you on, yelling for you. About 20 feet in front of the finish line, waiting for us to come through was my Grammie! That was one of the best parts of the race! Having someone there to cheer you on, is so awesome. I high fived her, then Jason grabbed my hand and we ran through the finish line together. It was one of the most awesome moments of our marriage!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Nothing is more exciting than being concerned about your performance, then finding out you did great. I was very scared going into my 5k yesterday. I had not run 3 miles non stop since the beginning of August. My personal goal was to come in 42 minutes or sooner. Well, I came in at 40:38! Which is not only under my 42 minute goal, but 10 seconds faster than my previous 5k best. My next race my goal is to be under 40. This running and shaving time off is a long road, but so worth it. Races really invigorate and motivate. I feel ready for my 1/2 marathon now!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I've found that in running, and probably all sports, there must be a level of accountability. I enjoy running alone, but since I stopped running with my team I've decreased by running to almost nothing. Who am I joking? It is nothing. 2 miles 10 days ago...
On Monday I'm meeting up with my old running buddy! I'm so excited. I will get out of bed and out the door if I know she'll be sitting on my front porch stretching. I have 4 weeks until the marathon. Plenty of time to whip myself back into shape :O) I know part of my recent frumpiness is not running. I've been going to the trainer, but nothing else. My weight loss is at a stand still. I need to get my ass back on the running wagon. I felt so awesome and fit when I was running on a regular basis. I want that feeling back.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I had the air knocked out of me
One of the vendors I work with on a regular basis donated to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society on my behalf. Once I received notification of his donation I immediately send him an e-mail thanking him for his support. He replied back with this:
This one is important around my house. My sister had a double mastectomy today. Good luck on your run.
I totally had the wind knocked out of me. I had no clue(why would I?), but it was not the response I expected to receive. It almost instantly made me cry. It made LLS that much more real to me and made my wallowing in self pity over a sore foot so insignificant.
This one is important around my house. My sister had a double mastectomy today. Good luck on your run.
I totally had the wind knocked out of me. I had no clue(why would I?), but it was not the response I expected to receive. It almost instantly made me cry. It made LLS that much more real to me and made my wallowing in self pity over a sore foot so insignificant.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Ground Zero
I'm starting over. Instead of trying to run were I was (5-8 miles). I'm going to just start over. I made myself a new training schedule for the 1/2 marathon. 6 weeks to 13 miles. Totally do-able. I'm hoping that once I start slow it will come back a little quicker that way. We'll see. I'm at an odd place with my running. I WANT to run when I'm at a place and time I can't (work, wal-mart, ect.) but when I get home and I can actually run, I'm to lazy to do it. I think I would feel better if I ran, my blahness would go away, but the blahness make me not want to run. It's an evil, vicious cycle.
In happier news, I have a new running buddy! Jason! He is going to do the 1/2 marathon with me! So excited about that. He hasn't ran with any sort of consistently in 9, almost 10 years. So we will be start from ground zero together. He's always been my biggest supporter and I'm super excited about finishing the race with him by my side. 13.1 miles of love! It should be a fun morning!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I did it....
I changed events. I changed from the full marathon, to the half marathon. It's been an internal battle for a couple of days now. I really want to do the marathon, I want to be able to say I did a marathon. However, if I don't finish it won't matter. If my training had stayed solid I would have no problem completing the marathon. That foot thing really messed me up and pissed me off. I feel so far behind. I feel like everything I accomplished from January to July is gone. I had built up such a good foundation. Now it's gone, and I'm gonna do a half marathon, instead of a full.
I know that it's still 13 miles and that's great, but it's not what I've been planning for and training for. I'm pretty bummed. I really thought about doing the marathon anyway, but I really want my first marathon to be this great adventure, this neat experience that I'll always remember. Not an event that I barely live through! Even with my decreased running ability, I feel comfortable taking on a 1/2. Besides it gives me a reason to buy the shirt that says:
I do 1/2 marathons because good girls don't go all the way!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Marathon training is hard.
Not that I think anyone ever thought it was easy, but it's really hard. The amount of running makes it really easy to get burnt out. I've been working out and going to the trainer, but I've been slacking in the running department. I'm just tired of it. It's not fun anymore. Between that feeling and not actually running any sort of real distance in awhile, my conditioning is suffering. Top that with not enough water and I'm 50 shades of sucking. I was supposed to have a 15 mile run this weekend, I couldn't make myself do it. I had ZERO desire. I finally made myself go for a short run. I intended it to be a 3 miles run, I only did about 1.25, MAYBE 1.5! I had to force myself to get that far. So I walked 1.5-2.0 miles. Same thing this morning. I did my 1 miles then walked 2 and finished with a 1/2 mile run. I am better than this. 3 miles is a short run for me. I can do 6-9 non-stop. What's going on with this mental block?? It's not my body, it's my mind. It's a complete and total mental block. I'm going back out tonight. My goal is to run 2 miles non-stop, which "should" be cake. We'll see if I can push through that brick wall at 1 mile....
Monday, August 16, 2010
Oh the running....
Like anything else in life it ebbs and flows. I'm still nursing this sore foot. I really wish it would go away. A coupe weeks ago, after much thought, prayer, and even a few tears I decided that I'm not going to do the Nike Woman's Marathon. Don't gasp yet. I'm still doing a marathon. I'm just going to do it in my hometown instead of in California. I was very torn about this, but ultimately decided this is the best decision for me. I felt such a release of pressure and stress after I made my decision, I knew I made the right one. I also contemplated changing my event for the marathon(26.2 miles) to the half marathon(13.1 miles). However after much more thought, I decided to stick with my 26.2. After my foot injury I was, and still am feeling overwhelmed by the full marathon. However, I have committed to this and I'm not going to let myself down. I may be rolling in Monday morning(it starts on Sunday!), but I'm doing it and I'm finishing it.
I'm still undecided on how I'm going to run it yet though. I will either do a run 6 mile/walk 1 mile interval or a run 4 minutes/ walk 1 minute interval. I'm leaning toward the 6/1, I'm going to run at least 20 of the 26 miles. That's my goal. I don't care if it takes me 7 hours or more....
I'm still undecided on how I'm going to run it yet though. I will either do a run 6 mile/walk 1 mile interval or a run 4 minutes/ walk 1 minute interval. I'm leaning toward the 6/1, I'm going to run at least 20 of the 26 miles. That's my goal. I don't care if it takes me 7 hours or more....
Sunday, August 1, 2010
No one ever drowned in sweat.....
At least that's what I've heard, but after today I'm not so sure...
After four 5k's and numerous Saturday TNT runs I have come to immensely respect volunteers in the running circle. There are people out at the butt crack of dawn to give water to runners, or sign them into an event, or direct them during a race or my favorite, cheer them on. So I decided to give back. I signed up to work at our local triathlon. It was a great experience. Other than getting up at 5:15 on a Sunday, I LOVED IT!!! I ran the timer input machine during the swim to bike transition phase. Once I logged the last swimmer I went over to the finish line where the first place athlete had already come in!! WOW! 58 minutes to swim 500m, bike 14 miles, and run 3.1 miles!! Now that's impressive! At the finish line I took timing chips off the ankles off lots of VERY sweaty people. It was okay though. You know why? B/c I LOVED being there as they ran through the finish line, I got to be the first one to congratulate them and tell them well done. It was awesome. Even the lady that came in last FINISHED a triathlon! I was so impressed with the dedication and perseverance of the athletes I met I today. It was a super cool feeling to be there with them. I can't wait to work the Wichita Marathon :O)
Now on to my running...
Yesterday was an 8 mile run. Well, for me it was a 5 mile run and a 3 mile walk. Even though I had new shoes, my arch was still smarting pretty good. I'm hoping and praying it's residual from the last couple of weeks. Today I wore my other pair of sneakers and it felt lots better, so I'm hoping it's about to heal and be out of my life! I liked it when exhausted was the only thing I had worry about. I feel good about the upcoming week and my runs. I'm ready to take it on again. I have to work out on my own on T and Th for 2 weeks until I can purchase more trainer sessions. My trainer is AWESOME and made me training plans for each of the 4 days I won't be with her :O) Tomorrow I'm going to do a Tempo run. It's basically sprint work. Walk, run, walk run. It's helps increase your speed and since Monday is my short run(when did 3-4 miles become short??) It's the best run to use as my Tempo run.
I still have over $2,000 to raise for the marathon. If you haven't already please consider donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society on my behalf.
After four 5k's and numerous Saturday TNT runs I have come to immensely respect volunteers in the running circle. There are people out at the butt crack of dawn to give water to runners, or sign them into an event, or direct them during a race or my favorite, cheer them on. So I decided to give back. I signed up to work at our local triathlon. It was a great experience. Other than getting up at 5:15 on a Sunday, I LOVED IT!!! I ran the timer input machine during the swim to bike transition phase. Once I logged the last swimmer I went over to the finish line where the first place athlete had already come in!! WOW! 58 minutes to swim 500m, bike 14 miles, and run 3.1 miles!! Now that's impressive! At the finish line I took timing chips off the ankles off lots of VERY sweaty people. It was okay though. You know why? B/c I LOVED being there as they ran through the finish line, I got to be the first one to congratulate them and tell them well done. It was awesome. Even the lady that came in last FINISHED a triathlon! I was so impressed with the dedication and perseverance of the athletes I met I today. It was a super cool feeling to be there with them. I can't wait to work the Wichita Marathon :O)
Now on to my running...
Yesterday was an 8 mile run. Well, for me it was a 5 mile run and a 3 mile walk. Even though I had new shoes, my arch was still smarting pretty good. I'm hoping and praying it's residual from the last couple of weeks. Today I wore my other pair of sneakers and it felt lots better, so I'm hoping it's about to heal and be out of my life! I liked it when exhausted was the only thing I had worry about. I feel good about the upcoming week and my runs. I'm ready to take it on again. I have to work out on my own on T and Th for 2 weeks until I can purchase more trainer sessions. My trainer is AWESOME and made me training plans for each of the 4 days I won't be with her :O) Tomorrow I'm going to do a Tempo run. It's basically sprint work. Walk, run, walk run. It's helps increase your speed and since Monday is my short run(when did 3-4 miles become short??) It's the best run to use as my Tempo run.
I still have over $2,000 to raise for the marathon. If you haven't already please consider donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society on my behalf.
Friday, July 23, 2010
So much....
Well, I'll be quite honest and say I have NO idea where to start. It's been several weeks since my last blog. Think...think...think...
The last run I did with TNT went pretty bad. One of my greatest running fears came to fruition. I had to "go to the bathroom" while running. Totally sucked. No way around it, I stopped to try and take care of the situation and couldn't. So I end up walking 2.5 miles to the last drink stop and cutting the run short. My stomach hurt so bad!! It was no fun. The weird part is the same thing happened to one of my team mates on her 10 miles run!! How random is that??
Last week was supposed to be 12 miles, but I ran a 5k(my 4th!) with a good friend instead. Last week and this week have been slow weeks. Last week I only ran 9 miles( 3days x 3miles each day). This week I haven't ran at all for several different reasons. My arch, the heat, I don't wanna. First, my arch. It started bothering my Friday after my 3 miles run. I ran on it again Saturday, by Sunday it was bothering me pretty good. I talked to my trainer and some other runners, and the consensus is new shoes are an order. I knew I was getting close. It's really hard for me to believe they're wore out, when they don't LOOK worn out. Most sneakers only last 300-500 miles depending on how often you run. At 20 miles a week(my average) that's not very long at all. These are the shoes I started running back in January, so I know they need replaced, but they still LOOK so pretty!! Oh well, new shoes it is. The heat-It's hot, it's humid and it sucks. That pretty much sums that up! I'm used to running early to avoid the heat, but here lately it's 80 degrees at 5 am. That's just wrong! Last but not least, I don't wanna. I haven't felt the desire all week. I know it will come back, so I'm just waiting for that. I read an article that said if running wasn't fun anymore, you may be over training(ya think??LOL) So I'm taking a break. Next weeks schedule call for an easy week, so I'm just making this be my easy week. I'd rather take a week off now and be revitalized later, then try and push through and have super burn out later.
Tomorrow I'm back on the wagon. I'm not planning on running the full 12 miles. I'm thinking 6-8. It depends on how my arch feels. I'm kinda excited about getting back out there though, I think I'm ready to pound some pavement!!
The last run I did with TNT went pretty bad. One of my greatest running fears came to fruition. I had to "go to the bathroom" while running. Totally sucked. No way around it, I stopped to try and take care of the situation and couldn't. So I end up walking 2.5 miles to the last drink stop and cutting the run short. My stomach hurt so bad!! It was no fun. The weird part is the same thing happened to one of my team mates on her 10 miles run!! How random is that??
Last week was supposed to be 12 miles, but I ran a 5k(my 4th!) with a good friend instead. Last week and this week have been slow weeks. Last week I only ran 9 miles( 3days x 3miles each day). This week I haven't ran at all for several different reasons. My arch, the heat, I don't wanna. First, my arch. It started bothering my Friday after my 3 miles run. I ran on it again Saturday, by Sunday it was bothering me pretty good. I talked to my trainer and some other runners, and the consensus is new shoes are an order. I knew I was getting close. It's really hard for me to believe they're wore out, when they don't LOOK worn out. Most sneakers only last 300-500 miles depending on how often you run. At 20 miles a week(my average) that's not very long at all. These are the shoes I started running back in January, so I know they need replaced, but they still LOOK so pretty!! Oh well, new shoes it is. The heat-It's hot, it's humid and it sucks. That pretty much sums that up! I'm used to running early to avoid the heat, but here lately it's 80 degrees at 5 am. That's just wrong! Last but not least, I don't wanna. I haven't felt the desire all week. I know it will come back, so I'm just waiting for that. I read an article that said if running wasn't fun anymore, you may be over training(ya think??LOL) So I'm taking a break. Next weeks schedule call for an easy week, so I'm just making this be my easy week. I'd rather take a week off now and be revitalized later, then try and push through and have super burn out later.
Tomorrow I'm back on the wagon. I'm not planning on running the full 12 miles. I'm thinking 6-8. It depends on how my arch feels. I'm kinda excited about getting back out there though, I think I'm ready to pound some pavement!!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Today I ran NINE miles. It feels so surreal. I didn't really plan on trying to do it non stop. Eventually I just got to the point that I was so far into it I wasn't willing to break my streak! At miles 2, 5.5, and 7 I got water, and then had to cross the street every now and then, but I never walked. My pace was ehhh, but I'm OK with it. I started strong. The last 2 miles were killer though!! I had to pray my way through them. My knee was hurting and the chafing...ohhh the chaffing. I have a red band around my waist from chaffing. It's pretty uncomfortable. When I walked in the house I looked like I peed myself, I had sweat 3 inches down from the band of my pants, and my shirt was completely saturated. It was pretty miserable, but I did it!!
My waist, all the way around :O(
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
6.48 Miles Non-stop!
No "recovery periods", just 1 hour and 14 minutes of pavement pounding. I was sweating SO bad, and it only 68 degrees when we started at 5:15 a.m.!! It felt SO freaking awesome to run that far and know that I did it with out stopping! Prior to this my longest non-stop was 4.4 miles. I almost always have to walk a little (Have a mentioned I HATE hills? Those normally get walked) Not today though. I ran up those puppies :O)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Eight miles
Yesterday was my 8 mile run with the TNT group. 8 miles. So daunting...right? Not so much. I thought I would be so much more scared to run it, so much more tired after wards, and so much more sore today. I was a little stiff this morning. Other than that nothing. All my muscles feel OK, better than OK, they feel good. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy, but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I did the first 4 miles as intervals. Run 4 minutes, walk 1 minute. The theory is you run faster in your 4 minutes b/c you have your 1 minute recovery period. I have debated about trying this method. Sure it makes your pace faster, but it's not running non-stop. That's my goal to run as long as I can non-stop. So needless to say, I didn't really dig the intervals. Not to say I won't do speed intervals, but I won't do the 4/1's again unless I'm injured. I like the run until you can't run anymore feeling. My pace is slowly improving, but I'm almost over the obsession with my pace. I know I'm slow, but I can run far. The last time I checked 26.2 was far, so I'm doing something right :O)
Friday, June 25, 2010
The other day while going through some papers, I found a sheet of paper that had my weight and measurements on it from Dec 1st 2008. That was 5 weeks after I had our son Harrison. I was 30 lbs lighter than I am now and about 2-5 inches smaller in every measured spot. So frustrating. I told myself I 'd never gain that weight back. I have learned to never say never, it will always come back to bite you in the ass. Anyway, I have decided that my newest goal(I have many) is to be smaller in every measured area on that list this coming December 1st. Even if it's only a 1/4 inch smaller, I want everything smaller. I feel that between personal training and running, this is totally feasible. It gives me one more thing to work towards. I've also been thinking a lot about after the marathon. What will my new goal be? I kinda jumped in head first, I really should have done a 10k, then a 1/2 marathon, then a marathon...I mean really, where do I go from here?? I'm trying to decide if I want to set a weekly goal, another race goal, maybe a time goal, I'm not sure yet. The only thing I am sure of this: Tomorrow is an 8 mile run...and I'm looking forward to it!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I skipped my 7 mile run this week, Not on purpose the first day, totally on purpose the 2nd day. TNT runs are every Saturday at 6. I went to bed Friday night exhausted. I sat my alarm and crashed. Well, turns out I sat my alarm, but somehow set the phone to silent. So I didn't hear my alarm, I didn't hear Tiffany call or text, I didn't hear anything...until 8:30! I decided that it wasn't a big deal, I'd just run Sunday morning.
This morning my alarm did go off, and I hit snooze 3 times before deciding I didn't want to get up. So I turned it off and went back to sleep. It felt good too! You know what else? I'm not freaking out about it, and I don't feel bad about it. So I missed a run. I'll be back on the horse tomorrow and life will be good.
This morning my alarm did go off, and I hit snooze 3 times before deciding I didn't want to get up. So I turned it off and went back to sleep. It felt good too! You know what else? I'm not freaking out about it, and I don't feel bad about it. So I missed a run. I'll be back on the horse tomorrow and life will be good.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Doesn't run well with others...
That's what I decided to call this blog on Sunday. On Saturday we had our first group run. Erin and I started out together, however about a mile into it I felt like I was dragging her down. I feel so uncomfortable running with others. Once the crowd got split up a little bit, due to pace, I felt better. Once Erin went ahead and everyone else was either in front of or behind me I was able to feel good about my run. I'm a lone runner. I run better when I'm by myself. I know totally weird. Everyone says a running buddy is the way to go. I think since I've started running I've pretty much been running alone, so that's what I'm used to and comfortable with. However, I know I need to overcome it.
Which I'm working on. Today Erin came and ran with me, and I did OK. I had to keep looking ahead and not worry about her pace or mine. And we did it, 5 miles! I don't want to spend 26 miles alone, so I definitely want to learn to run with someone.
Last week I lost 5.2 lbs! I know that I won't lose that much every week, but I really needed that loss to kick start my motivation. I'm working out 6 times per week and keeping my calories between 1700-1800 calories. This is my schedule so you help keep me accountable
Monday-Run 3-4 miles
Wednesday-Run 5-6 miles, it will increase later in the season
Friday-Off :O)
Saturday-TNT run, distances varies each week. We will gradually work up to 18 miles
Sunday-Runner's Yoga
Wheew, I'm tired just looking at it! It's so worth it though. I love how I feel after wards. I need to add some tempo training i. I think I will do this on my Monday runs. I want to increase my speed. I want to be a little sore too, and after my 6 miler I wasn't. I had a blister, but no aches and pains that a shower and a good night's sleep couldn't cure. I don't want to be injured, but I want to feel the burn!
Which I'm working on. Today Erin came and ran with me, and I did OK. I had to keep looking ahead and not worry about her pace or mine. And we did it, 5 miles! I don't want to spend 26 miles alone, so I definitely want to learn to run with someone.
Last week I lost 5.2 lbs! I know that I won't lose that much every week, but I really needed that loss to kick start my motivation. I'm working out 6 times per week and keeping my calories between 1700-1800 calories. This is my schedule so you help keep me accountable
Monday-Run 3-4 miles
Wednesday-Run 5-6 miles, it will increase later in the season
Friday-Off :O)
Saturday-TNT run, distances varies each week. We will gradually work up to 18 miles
Sunday-Runner's Yoga
Wheew, I'm tired just looking at it! It's so worth it though. I love how I feel after wards. I need to add some tempo training i. I think I will do this on my Monday runs. I want to increase my speed. I want to be a little sore too, and after my 6 miler I wasn't. I had a blister, but no aches and pains that a shower and a good night's sleep couldn't cure. I don't want to be injured, but I want to feel the burn!
Friday, June 11, 2010
A much requested update!
Official marathon training has kicked off! I altered their training schedule slightly since I'm meeting with the trainer 2x per week, and doing a yoga class. Wheew! It's a lot, but so far, so good. I've met with the trainer 3x. The first time we did machines, she called it an "easy" workout. I don't know if I'd go that far, but it wasn't as hard as day 2. Day 2 we did the BOSU ball. In case you don't know what it is, it's this. I did lunges, squats, push ups, and numerous workouts with the body bar, all while standing on it. My muscles hurt so bad the next day! On day 3, we did lots o' upper body stuff again with some ab and core work thrown in. As you can tell, most of my work with the trainer will be upper body. We'll do legs to, but she doesn't want me to get to tired or to sore and not be able to run. My personal training sessions are meant enhance my marathon training, not inhibit it.
4 of the 6 Team Derby girls walked in the Derby Days and passed out fliers for a fund raiser at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was sooooo hot! Below is a pic of us before the parade started, I already has sweat rolling down my back. We don't know yet how much we made, but hopefully it will be the start of a good fund raising base!
Last night we at BWW to start planning our next fundraisers. Amy is missing from this. pic, but the others are there.

Tomorrow is our first TNT group run. I'm not sure how many people will be there. I know there are over 65 woman registered to run from the Wichita area, so it should be a pretty big group. I'm training level 2, which means tomorrow's run is....6 miles! GULP!
Please feel free to share my fund raising page and my blog with your friends, co-workers, ect. I have a big goal to attain for my fund raising and I can use all the help I can get.
4 of the 6 Team Derby girls walked in the Derby Days and passed out fliers for a fund raiser at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was sooooo hot! Below is a pic of us before the parade started, I already has sweat rolling down my back. We don't know yet how much we made, but hopefully it will be the start of a good fund raising base!
Amy, Tiffany, Me, Azure

Erin, Jamie, Tiffany, Azure, Me
Tomorrow is our first TNT group run. I'm not sure how many people will be there. I know there are over 65 woman registered to run from the Wichita area, so it should be a pretty big group. I'm training level 2, which means tomorrow's run is....6 miles! GULP!
Please feel free to share my fund raising page and my blog with your friends, co-workers, ect. I have a big goal to attain for my fund raising and I can use all the help I can get.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
People always ask me what I think about when I run. After, "are you crazy?", it's the typical response. Running is therapy. Therapy for your body and therapy for your mind. I think about a lot of different things but here is a list of the things I think about the most:
1. My body-I think how how it looks now, compared to how it will look when I run the marathon. I think about how my calves are almost completely muscle, and how I wish the rest of me was too :O) I also think about how the next time I see the person I hate most in the world, I'm going to walk by them with my rockin', athletic legs and love every minute of it!(Petty? Maybe, but you asked)
2.Music-I think about whatever song is playing and what it means to me. Was it was a happy, time, sad, time, a whatever time? I think about why I like the song what made me decide to download it. As much as I hate Lady Gaga, she has some great running songs. I just try not envision her face while I run....
3.Blogs-I write blogs in my head. Most of them never make it to fruition. I think of things I've been meaning to blog about, and try really hard to make myself remember for when I get home. As you can tell by my blog updating skills I don't always remember, OK, I never remember. It passes the time though.
4.The Marathon-I think about it alot too. What will I wear? It sounds silly, but you're going to be running for 5 hours straight, you want to be comfy! What if I have to go to the bathroom? HUGE fear here. If I could I wouldn't consume food for 2 days prior just to ensure so potty breaks are needed. However, I need fuel, fuel comes from food. It's a constant worry. I think about water, jelly beans, gels, protein bars and other junk I will consume while running. Will it all taste nasty? I hope not. My tattoo. After I run the marathon I'm getting a tattoo in San Fransisco. I haven't decide what or wear, but I think about what I might like while I run. Running a marathon is huge and I want to commemorate it in a massively huge way.
5. The Survivors-Towards the end when I'm feeling really tired, I think about the children who are battling leukemia and lymphoma. I think about how it ravishes their little bodies. How they have no idea what's happening to them, or why. I think about little babies my Harri's age going through chemo, and boy's Jonathan's age who can't play football b/c they're hooked up to machines, and girls Savannah's with no hair to mess with, and that keeps me going. If those children can endure, then surly I can make it through that last half mile.
1. My body-I think how how it looks now, compared to how it will look when I run the marathon. I think about how my calves are almost completely muscle, and how I wish the rest of me was too :O) I also think about how the next time I see the person I hate most in the world, I'm going to walk by them with my rockin', athletic legs and love every minute of it!(Petty? Maybe, but you asked)
2.Music-I think about whatever song is playing and what it means to me. Was it was a happy, time, sad, time, a whatever time? I think about why I like the song what made me decide to download it. As much as I hate Lady Gaga, she has some great running songs. I just try not envision her face while I run....
3.Blogs-I write blogs in my head. Most of them never make it to fruition. I think of things I've been meaning to blog about, and try really hard to make myself remember for when I get home. As you can tell by my blog updating skills I don't always remember, OK, I never remember. It passes the time though.
4.The Marathon-I think about it alot too. What will I wear? It sounds silly, but you're going to be running for 5 hours straight, you want to be comfy! What if I have to go to the bathroom? HUGE fear here. If I could I wouldn't consume food for 2 days prior just to ensure so potty breaks are needed. However, I need fuel, fuel comes from food. It's a constant worry. I think about water, jelly beans, gels, protein bars and other junk I will consume while running. Will it all taste nasty? I hope not. My tattoo. After I run the marathon I'm getting a tattoo in San Fransisco. I haven't decide what or wear, but I think about what I might like while I run. Running a marathon is huge and I want to commemorate it in a massively huge way.
5. The Survivors-Towards the end when I'm feeling really tired, I think about the children who are battling leukemia and lymphoma. I think about how it ravishes their little bodies. How they have no idea what's happening to them, or why. I think about little babies my Harri's age going through chemo, and boy's Jonathan's age who can't play football b/c they're hooked up to machines, and girls Savannah's with no hair to mess with, and that keeps me going. If those children can endure, then surly I can make it through that last half mile.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
My M~O~J~O came back!
It's about time. I was getting really worried. Apparently all I needed was a shopping trip to Wal-mart with 3 screaming children. The official TNT training runs don't start until June 12, but this morning I was supposed to run with my Derby girls team. Of course, it was raining this morning. Not just sprinkles, but a good steady down pour of rain. No team run :O(
I ended up going grocery shopping with the family. By the end all 3 children were cranky, 2 were crying and I was about to rip my hair out. By the time we got home I wanted to run away! Instead I ran 4.4 miles and decided to come back.
I ran the entire time, with the exception of 2 minutes that I walked up hills(inclines still kick my butt). My pace is getting better, it was about 13:38, or maybe 13:41, either way, it's better than the 15 minute mile I started out running. Up until today 3.1 miles was my max. I added another mile on to that with out really even trying. I knew my training schedule said 4 miles, so I mapped out 4 miles. I'm not gonna lie, it was awesome. I loved knowing that I was going further than I ever had. It was a good run, I came up pumped, excited, and sweaty!

I want to say a special Thank you to Brenda, Launa, Gabi, and Teresa for donating to my cause!
I ended up going grocery shopping with the family. By the end all 3 children were cranky, 2 were crying and I was about to rip my hair out. By the time we got home I wanted to run away! Instead I ran 4.4 miles and decided to come back.
I ran the entire time, with the exception of 2 minutes that I walked up hills(inclines still kick my butt). My pace is getting better, it was about 13:38, or maybe 13:41, either way, it's better than the 15 minute mile I started out running. Up until today 3.1 miles was my max. I added another mile on to that with out really even trying. I knew my training schedule said 4 miles, so I mapped out 4 miles. I'm not gonna lie, it was awesome. I loved knowing that I was going further than I ever had. It was a good run, I came up pumped, excited, and sweaty!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
It's Offical!
On Friday I mailed off my registration to the Kansas Team in Training headquarters!! My first $50 of my fund raising is complete!! LOL! Tomorrow I start the "early" training program. The runs with TNT(Team in Training) don't start until June 12. Right now I will pretty much do what I have been doing(3 miles) however over the next 2 weeks they will slowly start getting longer. I've realized I have NO choice but to become a morning person. Kansas is to stinking hot to be running in the evening. I have to get up and do it early, there is no other way. I have been contemplating the way I will get myself out of bed at 5:30 a.m. 6 days a week, and to be honest I don't know. I think once I have my honoree(the person I'm running for) it will be easier. For now I will probably subject myself to name calling and belittling.
I went and bought new running socks this weekend in preparation of the upcoming runs. I may be a running novice, but I thing I do know is this : socks make the run. Spend the extra money to get the extra thick running socks. These are way different form just regular athletic socks. They are thicker and keep the sweat away from your feet. They are way worth the extra money and totally make the difference in how my feet feel after a run.
I went and bought new running socks this weekend in preparation of the upcoming runs. I may be a running novice, but I thing I do know is this : socks make the run. Spend the extra money to get the extra thick running socks. These are way different form just regular athletic socks. They are thicker and keep the sweat away from your feet. They are way worth the extra money and totally make the difference in how my feet feel after a run.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
So Excited!
Tonight I had a meeting with my team. It totally got me back on track. Tiffany showed us the map from last years run. I know I'll be tired as hell, but I can't wait to run by the Golden Gate Bridge and the Ocean! Running by the Ocean! Yeah, that's kinda helping me build back up that mojo. Tonight we talked about fundraisers, shirts, a team name. It was pretty exciting. It's starting to become real!!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
What the Hell?
I've been running since January. I've completed three 5k's. I've been running 3-4 times a week for months. I sign up for the marathon and my desire comes to a screeching halt. What the Hell? How? Why? I have no doubt I'll overcome it, but I hate that it's here. Tonight was a run night, but I had to go grocery shopping. By the time I got home from work, fixed dinner, and put Harri to bed I just wasn't feeling it. I finally convinced myself to go run and Savannah reminds me I told her we'd run tonight. Sigh. Do I tell her no and listen to her "you promised" meltdown or sacrifice my run and let her go?? Decisions, decisions... I let her go. BIG MISTAKE. She didn't want to keep pace, she'd run fast, and walk, then I'd be in front of her and she'd be mad I didn't wait. It was the worst half mile of my life. I came home mad that I didn't get my run in, annoyed at Savannah, annoyed at myself and over all pissed off. Not good.
I need to figure out how to get my mojo back. I supposed this is all part of the journey. The ups, the downs...I guess I just didn't expect a down so soon :O(
I need to figure out how to get my mojo back. I supposed this is all part of the journey. The ups, the downs...I guess I just didn't expect a down so soon :O(
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I'm a regular girl
I have been married for 13 1/2 years, I have 3 children, I have a job, a couple a sisters, a brother, some great friends, a normal productive life. One thing I've never been is active. My parents weren't so I wasn't, just kinda how it goes. My weight has went up and down my entire adult life. I never really cared, b/c well, I have a fabulous guy who never cared. After I had our last(I say last he say 2nd to last) child, I lost a lot of weight, only to gain about 45 lbs back. Bleech. In an effort to combat the weight and find passion in something I began the Couch to 5k program. It takes you from not ever being a runner to running a 5k in 9 weeks. No way you say? I am living breathing proof that ANYONE, to included someone who is 60 lbs overweight can go from zero to 5k in 9 weeks. I started my journey on the treadmill. Partially b/c I was scared of the pavement and partially b/c it was January! Around week 6 I began running outside and I have never looked back.
On April 10, 2010 I completed my first 5k. I had 4 goals for that race:
1. Finish the race
2. Run the entire race
3.NOT be the last
4.Do it in less than 45 minutes
I'm proud to say I did all of those! Since then I have become slightly addicted to running. I run 10-12 miles per week, and have completed 2 more 5k's. One was just today! During all of my training, a little birdie kept putting a bug in my ear about doing a marathon. At first I thought she was crazy. I'm not a runner! I can't do a marathon! And WHY would I WANT to?? My birdie was persistent(but not pushy) and this week I finally said yes! I mean WHY NOT? What do I have to lose? Even if I ended walking the entire way I will have completed a marathon!! Do you know that less than 1% of the population have completed a marathon? That's a pretty elite group that I'm looking to join.
So, this blog. I don't want to bore the readers of my family blog with only running stuff. That's pretty much all I've blogged about lately. Running, running, running. Now that I've decided to push beyond the 5k race and compete in a marathon, I want a place to document my journey. I forgot to mention, not only am I doing a marathon. I'm doing it for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I'm so blessed to never have had this disease touch my life personally, but many have. I want to to run for a difference, for a cure, for something bigger than me. Bigger than 26.2 miles is long. I want to run and say that it meant something, not just another marathon, but a marathon with a purpose!! So here it is, a blog about a regular non-running girl transforming into a marathon runner.
On April 10, 2010 I completed my first 5k. I had 4 goals for that race:
1. Finish the race
2. Run the entire race
3.NOT be the last
4.Do it in less than 45 minutes
I'm proud to say I did all of those! Since then I have become slightly addicted to running. I run 10-12 miles per week, and have completed 2 more 5k's. One was just today! During all of my training, a little birdie kept putting a bug in my ear about doing a marathon. At first I thought she was crazy. I'm not a runner! I can't do a marathon! And WHY would I WANT to?? My birdie was persistent(but not pushy) and this week I finally said yes! I mean WHY NOT? What do I have to lose? Even if I ended walking the entire way I will have completed a marathon!! Do you know that less than 1% of the population have completed a marathon? That's a pretty elite group that I'm looking to join.
So, this blog. I don't want to bore the readers of my family blog with only running stuff. That's pretty much all I've blogged about lately. Running, running, running. Now that I've decided to push beyond the 5k race and compete in a marathon, I want a place to document my journey. I forgot to mention, not only am I doing a marathon. I'm doing it for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I'm so blessed to never have had this disease touch my life personally, but many have. I want to to run for a difference, for a cure, for something bigger than me. Bigger than 26.2 miles is long. I want to run and say that it meant something, not just another marathon, but a marathon with a purpose!! So here it is, a blog about a regular non-running girl transforming into a marathon runner.
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