Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ground Zero

I'm starting over. Instead of trying to run were I was (5-8 miles). I'm going to just start over. I made myself a new training schedule for the 1/2 marathon. 6 weeks to 13 miles. Totally do-able. I'm hoping that once I start slow it will come back a little quicker that way. We'll see. I'm at an odd place with my running. I WANT to run when I'm at a place and time I can't (work, wal-mart, ect.) but when I get home and I can actually run, I'm to lazy to do it. I think I would feel better if I ran, my blahness would go away, but the blahness make me not want to run. It's an evil, vicious cycle.

In happier news, I have a new running buddy! Jason! He is going to do the 1/2 marathon with me! So excited about that. He hasn't ran with any sort of consistently in 9, almost 10 years. So we will be start from ground zero together. He's always been my biggest supporter and I'm super excited about finishing the race with him by my side. 13.1 miles of love! It should be a fun morning!

1 comment:

Tara said...

That's awesome that you and Jason are going to do it together! When Sean and I ran the Volkslauf, it was so fun, even though he's in way better shape than me. I can't wait to hear all about it!