Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I hate winter

I haven't ran much in the last few weeks.  I knew it would be hard with Jason having evening classes 4 nights a week.  Throw in some sub zero temps and I'm toast!  I ran 4 miles, then didn't run for a week, then did a 4 mile race, then didn't run for a week, then ran last night and tonight.  Only 2 miles each b/c that's all I have time for.  I literally get home from work, change and go run while Jason fixes dinner and feeds the kids. Then when I get home from my run, we kiss and he's off!  Not to be seen again until 10:30!

It's not ideal, however the weather has been to nice to let the opportunity pass me by.  I prefer running outside and with only 1 vehicle I have no way to get to the DRC after he's gone.  I hate missing dinner with the family, however I have to put myself first sometimes and that's my 25 minutes.  I've come so far,  I'm teetering so close to 50 pounds lost that I just want to get there!  Then move on to my next goal!!  Then the next :O)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My first 4 miler

Today I ran my first 4 mile race! My goal was to run it in 52 minutes or under. I ran it in 52:38. Not bad, but not my goal.  In addition to running a race a month, I want to a bunch of different kinds of races, so today was my first leap outside my 5k comfort zone.  5k's are easier to come by, but I really want to do all the different kinds there is out there!  I have ran my 4 mile loop here in town, but it was kind weird to run a race that length.  It was a small race, only 186 runners.  Mostly hard core runners to run in that weather!  I think it was 35 with a windchill of 27!!  Warmer than the Frosty 5k :O)