Sunday, January 30, 2011

The first week of Marathon training is done!

Only 11 weeks to go :O)

I did my "long" run yesterday.  It was beautiful out!  I did my first mile in great time, but got a side stitch and ending up walking alot of the 2nd mile.  I ended up almost 2 minutes over what I want my time to be this weekend at the Super Bowl Run.  No doubt I can do it, if I run the whole thing.  It say in the info that it is an out and back course.  I'm hoping that means flat too.  A year later and I STILL hate inclines!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Tomorrow start 1/2 marathon training!  I'm doing a 12 week program.  It's slightly more intense than the TNT training schedule.  It has strength days and cross training days.  It should be good times!  The 1/2 is on May 2nd.  My goal is to finish under 3 hours. Which is totally do-able :O)

My next race is Feb. 6th. It's a 4 miler.  I've got most of my races are picked out through June.  I'm going to run the Abilene 5k again this year.  Since it's the exact same course I want to see how much time I can shave off since my first 5k.  I'm hoping for about 7 minutes!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Frosty 5k

I did my first race of 2011 yesterday and it was great!  Cold, but Great!  I was able to meet my goal and make a new PR for myself.  I'm so excited for this running season.  I wish it would warm up so I could run outside more.  Although I do know that the TM was a big helper is shaving a minute off my race time!  Back to pavement pounding to get off this last bit of weight and to get healthier!