Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ground Zero

I'm starting over. Instead of trying to run were I was (5-8 miles). I'm going to just start over. I made myself a new training schedule for the 1/2 marathon. 6 weeks to 13 miles. Totally do-able. I'm hoping that once I start slow it will come back a little quicker that way. We'll see. I'm at an odd place with my running. I WANT to run when I'm at a place and time I can't (work, wal-mart, ect.) but when I get home and I can actually run, I'm to lazy to do it. I think I would feel better if I ran, my blahness would go away, but the blahness make me not want to run. It's an evil, vicious cycle.

In happier news, I have a new running buddy! Jason! He is going to do the 1/2 marathon with me! So excited about that. He hasn't ran with any sort of consistently in 9, almost 10 years. So we will be start from ground zero together. He's always been my biggest supporter and I'm super excited about finishing the race with him by my side. 13.1 miles of love! It should be a fun morning!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I did it....

I changed events. I changed from the full marathon, to the half marathon. It's been an internal battle for a couple of days now. I really want to do the marathon, I want to be able to say I did a marathon. However, if I don't finish it won't matter. If my training had stayed solid I would have no problem completing the marathon. That foot thing really messed me up and pissed me off. I feel so far behind. I feel like everything I accomplished from January to July is gone. I had built up such a good foundation. Now it's gone, and I'm gonna do a half marathon, instead of a full.

I know that it's still 13 miles and that's great, but it's not what I've been planning for and training for. I'm pretty bummed. I really thought about doing the marathon anyway, but I really want my first marathon to be this great adventure, this neat experience that I'll always remember. Not an event that I barely live through! Even with my decreased running ability, I feel comfortable taking on a 1/2. Besides it gives me a reason to buy the shirt that says:

I do 1/2 marathons because good girls don't go all the way!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Marathon training is hard.

Not that I think anyone ever thought it was easy, but it's really hard. The amount of running makes it really easy to get burnt out. I've been working out and going to the trainer, but I've been slacking in the running department. I'm just tired of it. It's not fun anymore. Between that feeling and not actually running any sort of real distance in awhile, my conditioning is suffering. Top that with not enough water and I'm 50 shades of sucking. I was supposed to have a 15 mile run this weekend, I couldn't make myself do it. I had ZERO desire. I finally made myself go for a short run. I intended it to be a 3 miles run, I only did about 1.25, MAYBE 1.5! I had to force myself to get that far. So I walked 1.5-2.0 miles. Same thing this morning. I did my 1 miles then walked 2 and finished with a 1/2 mile run. I am better than this. 3 miles is a short run for me. I can do 6-9 non-stop. What's going on with this mental block?? It's not my body, it's my mind. It's a complete and total mental block. I'm going back out tonight. My goal is to run 2 miles non-stop, which "should" be cake. We'll see if I can push through that brick wall at 1 mile....

Monday, August 16, 2010

Oh the running....

Like anything else in life it ebbs and flows. I'm still nursing this sore foot. I really wish it would go away. A coupe weeks ago, after much thought, prayer, and even a few tears I decided that I'm not going to do the Nike Woman's Marathon. Don't gasp yet. I'm still doing a marathon. I'm just going to do it in my hometown instead of in California. I was very torn about this, but ultimately decided this is the best decision for me. I felt such a release of pressure and stress after I made my decision, I knew I made the right one. I also contemplated changing my event for the marathon(26.2 miles) to the half marathon(13.1 miles). However after much more thought, I decided to stick with my 26.2. After my foot injury I was, and still am feeling overwhelmed by the full marathon. However, I have committed to this and I'm not going to let myself down. I may be rolling in Monday morning(it starts on Sunday!), but I'm doing it and I'm finishing it.

I'm still undecided on how I'm going to run it yet though. I will either do a run 6 mile/walk 1 mile interval or a run 4 minutes/ walk 1 minute interval. I'm leaning toward the 6/1, I'm going to run at least 20 of the 26 miles. That's my goal. I don't care if it takes me 7 hours or more....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

No one ever drowned in sweat.....

At least that's what I've heard, but after today I'm not so sure...

After four 5k's and numerous Saturday TNT runs I have come to immensely respect volunteers in the running circle. There are people out at the butt crack of dawn to give water to runners, or sign them into an event, or direct them during a race or my favorite, cheer them on. So I decided to give back. I signed up to work at our local triathlon. It was a great experience. Other than getting up at 5:15 on a Sunday, I LOVED IT!!! I ran the timer input machine during the swim to bike transition phase. Once I logged the last swimmer I went over to the finish line where the first place athlete had already come in!! WOW! 58 minutes to swim 500m, bike 14 miles, and run 3.1 miles!! Now that's impressive! At the finish line I took timing chips off the ankles off lots of VERY sweaty people. It was okay though. You know why? B/c I LOVED being there as they ran through the finish line, I got to be the first one to congratulate them and tell them well done. It was awesome. Even the lady that came in last FINISHED a triathlon! I was so impressed with the dedication and perseverance of the athletes I met I today. It was a super cool feeling to be there with them. I can't wait to work the Wichita Marathon :O)

Now on to my running...

Yesterday was an 8 mile run. Well, for me it was a 5 mile run and a 3 mile walk. Even though I had new shoes, my arch was still smarting pretty good. I'm hoping and praying it's residual from the last couple of weeks. Today I wore my other pair of sneakers and it felt lots better, so I'm hoping it's about to heal and be out of my life! I liked it when exhausted was the only thing I had worry about. I feel good about the upcoming week and my runs. I'm ready to take it on again. I have to work out on my own on T and Th for 2 weeks until I can purchase more trainer sessions. My trainer is AWESOME and made me training plans for each of the 4 days I won't be with her :O) Tomorrow I'm going to do a Tempo run. It's basically sprint work. Walk, run, walk run. It's helps increase your speed and since Monday is my short run(when did 3-4 miles become short??) It's the best run to use as my Tempo run.

I still have over $2,000 to raise for the marathon. If you haven't already please consider donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society on my behalf.