Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Running Coach!

Sounds fancy huh!!  Well, I got one!  I was chatting with a real estate agent that we were working on a deal with, turns out he's a runner.  Not a slow butt runner like me either.  Like  TEN miles in an hour runner!  WOW! So just through conversation he mention his coach, so I asked if his coach was taking new clients, and he said he used to coach and would coach me PRO BONO! Um, OK!!  Not sure what all this means, but I'm excited!  He lives out west and my pace is WAY to slow for him to run with me, but I'm gonna make this work!  I'll keep you posted on my progress!


Tara said...

Exciting! Just what you were looking for, a running buddy! You may not be able to keep up with him now, but hopefully he'll get you there!

Shannon Ivy said...

Thats great! And FAST!

**Angel** said...

I don't think I'll EVER be able to keep up with him. He runs 6 min miles!!