Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Running Coach!

Sounds fancy huh!!  Well, I got one!  I was chatting with a real estate agent that we were working on a deal with, turns out he's a runner.  Not a slow butt runner like me either.  Like  TEN miles in an hour runner!  WOW! So just through conversation he mention his coach, so I asked if his coach was taking new clients, and he said he used to coach and would coach me PRO BONO! Um, OK!!  Not sure what all this means, but I'm excited!  He lives out west and my pace is WAY to slow for him to run with me, but I'm gonna make this work!  I'll keep you posted on my progress!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Blah's

I've got to get back on track with this running thing!  I'm just not feeling it right now.  No reason other then I haven't done it and therefore that first day back is the hardest.  I know I won't be ready for the 1/2 on May 1st.  I think I'm gonna spend the next few weeks training for a 2 miler that is coming up.  Try to break my current 2 mile PR(24:43).  I just wish I had more time.  I'm so jealous of people who don't work that can workout during the day.  I'm SO not a morning person, so it's really hard for me to to get up in the morning and go workout.  Then at night Jason is in class and now the kids have spring sports...  Mornings are going to be my only option.  I hate mornings.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I hate winter

I haven't ran much in the last few weeks.  I knew it would be hard with Jason having evening classes 4 nights a week.  Throw in some sub zero temps and I'm toast!  I ran 4 miles, then didn't run for a week, then did a 4 mile race, then didn't run for a week, then ran last night and tonight.  Only 2 miles each b/c that's all I have time for.  I literally get home from work, change and go run while Jason fixes dinner and feeds the kids. Then when I get home from my run, we kiss and he's off!  Not to be seen again until 10:30!

It's not ideal, however the weather has been to nice to let the opportunity pass me by.  I prefer running outside and with only 1 vehicle I have no way to get to the DRC after he's gone.  I hate missing dinner with the family, however I have to put myself first sometimes and that's my 25 minutes.  I've come so far,  I'm teetering so close to 50 pounds lost that I just want to get there!  Then move on to my next goal!!  Then the next :O)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My first 4 miler

Today I ran my first 4 mile race! My goal was to run it in 52 minutes or under. I ran it in 52:38. Not bad, but not my goal.  In addition to running a race a month, I want to a bunch of different kinds of races, so today was my first leap outside my 5k comfort zone.  5k's are easier to come by, but I really want to do all the different kinds there is out there!  I have ran my 4 mile loop here in town, but it was kind weird to run a race that length.  It was a small race, only 186 runners.  Mostly hard core runners to run in that weather!  I think it was 35 with a windchill of 27!!  Warmer than the Frosty 5k :O)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The first week of Marathon training is done!

Only 11 weeks to go :O)

I did my "long" run yesterday.  It was beautiful out!  I did my first mile in great time, but got a side stitch and ending up walking alot of the 2nd mile.  I ended up almost 2 minutes over what I want my time to be this weekend at the Super Bowl Run.  No doubt I can do it, if I run the whole thing.  It say in the info that it is an out and back course.  I'm hoping that means flat too.  A year later and I STILL hate inclines!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Tomorrow start 1/2 marathon training!  I'm doing a 12 week program.  It's slightly more intense than the TNT training schedule.  It has strength days and cross training days.  It should be good times!  The 1/2 is on May 2nd.  My goal is to finish under 3 hours. Which is totally do-able :O)

My next race is Feb. 6th. It's a 4 miler.  I've got most of my races are picked out through June.  I'm going to run the Abilene 5k again this year.  Since it's the exact same course I want to see how much time I can shave off since my first 5k.  I'm hoping for about 7 minutes!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Frosty 5k

I did my first race of 2011 yesterday and it was great!  Cold, but Great!  I was able to meet my goal and make a new PR for myself.  I'm so excited for this running season.  I wish it would warm up so I could run outside more.  Although I do know that the TM was a big helper is shaving a minute off my race time!  Back to pavement pounding to get off this last bit of weight and to get healthier!