Sunday, December 26, 2010

4 mile run

Today I did a 4 mile run.  I haven't done one n forever!  I had to push myself and at one point I thought I might puke, but I didn't. I ran 3.4 miles non-stop, then walked for .10 of a mile, then ran the last .50 miles.  If I hadn't walked that little bit I'd have a pace under 13 minutes!  WoW!  I'm bringing the pace down and I love it.

I have to admit the treadmill is helping with that.  I can't do more than a mile at a time on the TM.  It's just such a beat down!  However, the last few weeks I've been running 1 mile(at just over a 12 min mile pace!) then doing intervals the last 2 miles.  Normally I run 6.0 or a 10 min mile for .15 of a mile then do a 4.0 or 15 min mile walk for .10. That gives me a 12:30 average pace.  Not too shabby.  Sometimes at the end when I really want to push myself I'll bump it up to 6.5 or 9:13 min mile for .05, it's not far, but it's a strong "fast" run for me!!

My trainer "retired", she actually went to her real job full time and stopped training.  She put together a couple of workouts for me that I've been alternating and doing on non run days.  I know alot know more about weights and the machines now, but I still feel better knowing it's a trainer certified workout.  Next week is my Frosty 5k and my goal is to run it in less than 40 minutes.  I'd like to do in in around 37:30, but I have to compensate for the cold.  I have no idea what the weather will be like next Saturday.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2011 Running Goals

I've had 2 of my 3 running goals for awhile now,  I like odd numbers so I've been trying to decide on a 3rd one and I think I may have finally figured it out!

1.  Run 12 races in 2011.  I would like for this to mean one race per month, however due to my schedule and race schedules, this my not be entirely possible. So I'll settle for a total of 12 in case unforeseen circumstances arrive.  I've already signed up for the Frosty 5k in Jan.  My goal is to finish in under 40 minutes, which would be a new PR!!

2. I want to run every kind of race the Wichita area provides.  Up to now I've only done 5k's and the 1/2 marathon.  I want to do them all!  1 mile, 2 miles, 5k, 10k, 15k, 10 miles and yup, another 1/2 marathon!  I went back thru last years race calender and got a pretty good grasp of what's out there and I'm taking to tackle them all!

3. By the end of 2011(but before is good too!) I want to be able to consistently run 6 miles in 1 hour.  I want that to be my twice a week short run with a long run thrown in there too!